The Elevator: Space, Visionaries vs. Operators, and the AI Paradigm Shift to Audio
Hey and welcome to The Elevator. Many founders today want to build companies for growth that align with their life. I partner with 15+ CEOs and Founders across Tech, Crypto, E-commerce, and B2B Services to help them discover and prioritize their vision, blockers, and best opportunities.
Here and on Tiktok, X, and Instagram I share products, ideas, and services that help you grow.
The Lobby: NYC pop-up, Workshop, + San Fransisco
Hey All, lots of updates this month.
Death to Stock’s got a beautiful new website. Team is crushing it. A must-follow on Tiktok or Instagram.
I’ll be in San Fransisco October 9th/10th. Will be taking meetings if anyone wants to connect out there!
I’ve been working with Clayton Chambers as he rolls out his fashion editorial empire and this November he’s got a fashion-pop up event in New York for anyone local.
Speaking of November, I’m going to be putting together my first IRL, in-depth workshops for Founders/Entrepreneurs. Great for you if…
If you feel like you’ve got a lot of energy/ready to grow but you’re not exactly sure where to direct that energy in your business/work.
You’re looking for their own clarity on how/where/what to prioritize to grow.
You’re in a time of reflection/change/expecting change and wanting to understand what’s right for you next.
*2 of 3 slots are still available. Simply reply if you are interested.
Why Book Time Off?
Space gives you insight.
This works because as entrepreneurs, when space or a vacuum is created, we fill it with creative vision.
Every time I take time off I see new efficiencies and opportunities.
Of course, there are times when pressing the gas in your business is best. There’s a misconception, however, that time off isn’t productive. It is incredibly productive. Not only is it refueling and recharging, but it helps elevate your perspective.
That’s why this year, I’ve been using Jesse Itzler’s Giant Calendar to book space in my year.
This podcast has some unique insights from Jeremy Giffon, who was the first employee and general partner at private equity firm, Tiny Capital, which buys and holds internet and technology-focused businesses.
One thing that might surprise you? How much he values sabbaticals and taking time away/off.
The Catch-22 of Operations as a Founder.
When Founders get stuck in operations and the day-to-day of the business, it can feel like you’re stuck in a knot. You know you need space to re-prioritize, yet the work you have in front of you doesn’t allow for you to have that space. This cycle repeats until you get overwhelmed.
When your business is growing, you will simply run into too many fires to put out all on your own.
This is your business asking, no yelling, at you to hire/delegate.
Are you listening?
This is why I wrote a book on Delegation.
The Delegation “Trap” is taking on more work thinking you can somehow just spend more time/energy or improve your own productivity.
The Delegation “Flywheel” is bringing others who can support what needs to be done now, so you in do what needs to be done next.
Visionaries do what’s next. Operators do what’s now.
See: Visionaries vs. Operators.
What if vision is a *Feeling* and not a *Seeing*?
According to NLP, we all process information in different ways. Some people use words like “I hear you.”
While others say “I see what you mean.”
Or others might say “I feel that.”
These phrases give us insight into how someone is processing information. “Vision” is not just imagery, alone. It misses a more comprehensive view of how we operate.
The trick here is to understand your specific sense-based modes of awareness and use them to guide your decision-making and action.
If you’ve been stuck wondering why you’re not “seeing” your future, this could be a clue that you’re approaching things the wrong way for you.
Rewind Pendant AI Wearable
I have a feeling we’re going to hit another acceleration curve in AI consumer products and apps sometime soon. For example, this is the Rewind Pendant.
The Pendant is a wearable that captures what you say and hear in the real world and then transcribes, encrypts, and stores it entirely locally on your phone (!)
Sample Use Cases:
Have an exciting idea while going for a walk or driving and want to remember it for later? Just talk to yourself.
Forget what your spouse just asked you to pick up at the grocery store?
I’ve said for a year or so now that I’ve been waiting for AI to shift to audio/airpods over text, and this is happening (as well as the ChatGPT3 Launch).
Got into another river, this time in SLC.
My quarterly retreat was fantastic to say the least. Last year I wanted to improve my community/friendships and that’s improved more than I could ever imagine. You CAN change but it happens with intention.
Always reach out if I can help.
Love you all and talk soon,
xx DS
"Telling my personal story and my brand's narrative with clarity and confidence was why I first sought out David as a coach.
What I found instead is something much greater than what I'd anticipated—feeling empowered as a founder, allowing me to lean into my intuition as David created a space for me where I could be utterly honest, without any filters.
He truly understands the challenges and what it's like being a founder. Together we not only pinpointed the source of a given issue, but he led me to find a path to a solution.
My leadership skills would not be where they are today without David's coaching."
– Ecomm Founder (F) on her way to $15+M in sales + retail launch
Here and on Tiktok, X, and Instagram I share products, ideas, and services that help you grow.
I partner with 15+ CEOs and Founders across Tech, Crypto, E-commerce, and B2B Services to help them discover and prioritize their vision, blockers, and best opportunities.